Monday, April 17, 2006


Easter is all about the new clothes right?? haha...
Heres Alec in the cutest baby clothes ever...I swear its even CUTER IRL. Look at how big hes getting...2 months yesterday! I know its a cliche but DANG...they grow up FAST! The newborn stage is GONE...

The rest of my easter was full of good food and a couple margaritas. Lots of laughing and a bruise or two (umm...dont ask)

I miss my moms ham and potato salad but overall it was a pretty good day!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Happy List

Look Lisa....I'm actually DOING your challenge!!

Five things that make me SUPER happy!

It's FRIDAY!! How can you not be in love with that!!! And it's my early friday so I am out of here in a mere 5 hours!!

It's SPRING!! I swear I have that seasonal disorder thing cause as soon as it gets sunny again I become a different person!! I sing while I drive, I clean sometimes, I open my windows, I sit outside....I **HEART** spring

I'm SCRAPPING tomorrow!! And I have a bunch of pages preplanned so I might even be productive! I'm taking a handwriting class too! I like my handwriting but I am looking forward to learning some different lettering styles that are so popular right now!

My ART!! I'm in one of those creative times where the ideas flow and flow and I CANNOT stop them....And I'm actually getting some fantastic layouts done! And my photos are sucking less...Very cool!!

GIRLS WEEKEND is at the end of the month! Scrapping away the weekend in a mountain cabin....So....Much...Fun.....

Hope everyone has a super fantastic gloriously SUNNY weekend!!