Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Cutie Patooties

LOAD Day 2, originally uploaded by carrie.knabe.
Kids belong to Andrea L. Big sister Olivia and newborn Phillip :)

Lifted Tina A for a challenge at Studio Calico (here is her amazing original... my loves by lifelovepaper)...yes i even lifted the title...I am shameless.

I am loving creating every night...theres nothing better girls!!


Christi said...

<3 how perfectly that "quilt block" below the photo goes with the girls' dresses!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!! I so LOVE this right now! Putting a huge smile on my face and a little tear in my eye right now. How could you know that I so needed this today! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it, and love you too!
-Andrea L

Amy said...

amaze. love.

You have cool papers.

I have lame papers.