Sunday, January 06, 2008

New year new word

You know I cant resist a bandwagon to jump on. Usually its an Ali E bandwagon :)

she says choose a word of the year....

my word is BRAVE

I'm tired of being scared to live...I'm going to be BRAVE this year

Lots of exciting scary opportunities have already presented themselves and with my new word to motivate me I'm facing the fear and being BRAVE

heres to the BRAVEST 2008 EVER!!!


Stacy Armentrout Skinner said...

this is a good word for you, this will challenge you. see you soon!!

Lisa said...

Here's to you Brave's wishing that 2008 is a banner year for you!

Anonymous said...

Here is to your "BRAVE" new year of 2008! I know you will do fine with it. I hope to see you Saturday!

Kristie said...

good word and good luck! See you Saturday!

Linda Woods said...

Brave is a great word!
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